Wednesday, June 29, 2016


The Lokomat is an awesome machine at Shepherd Center’s Beyond Therapy. It is one of four similar machines. It enables you to walk with zero gravity, suspended by straps on a treadmill.
The Lokomat is for both Brain and Spinal Cord injury patients. Through correct sequencing and repetition, your brain starts to recognize the pattern.
My brain recognized the pattern when I first got off. Then it slowly  forgot . My guess is that again I did not do the locomat enough. I only did it like once a week I was also too far out from the initial time that the accident took place. I was about 3 years out and the majority of the progress takes place in about a year.
The Lockomat works great for many people. You feel exactly like your walking on a treadmill even if you have no mobility in your legs. It’s a great way to get some cardio while strengthening.

Check it out right here:

Friday, June 17, 2016

Seating clinic

They have a certain floor at Shepherd Center called the Seating Clinic.  It is for both wheelchairs/scooters and driving. I will be going there twice in the next two months.
            The first time is for the driving evaluation, which I have already talked about in a previous blog. It’s June 27th and I’m scared out of my mind! I want it to work SO badly I can barely stand it!
                Now currently, I use a manual wheelchair that just stays put in my room. The problem with it is its 8 years old (at one point I was stuck in it) and it’s falling apart! It doesn’t have one of the pedals and it’s rickety. So I set up an appointment to look at some new ones.
                My old one is like a blue/green so I might get a new color. I also may get a new style. Instead of the traditional one. So I’ve got a couple exciting months to look forward too!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

My journals

    I believe that I have mentioned this before, but I have a tiny bit of short-term memory loss from the car wreck. Although, it has improved tremendously, thankfully, I have not yet forgot anything too important. Most of the things I forget I can just work through it. I bet you’re probably thinking, ‘’then how do you remember all the things you write in your blogs?’’
By keeping a journal which I had the brilliant idea to start 3-4 years ago.  I write down both successful moments and areas that I struggle with. I type them on the computer. I also type up specific events. Just never knew this would come in handy for work! So each week, I go back through the journal, pick out some ideas and then select one.
One day I spilled water on my computer and I thought my journal was gone forever!! I did not know what to do? That’s when my brother came to my rescue. He is an IT major and knows all about computers. So I had to buy a new and cheap computer, my brother transferred all the files onto the new one. Now I can continue writing blogs!!