Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My Dad

         My father used to take me walking weekly. This was during the time we were both unemployed. Walking makes me feel like I’m accomplishing something and to take that away from me would be devastating. My father knew that and did not want me to be devastated.
         I used to take about an hour to walk the entire track, which was VERY slow. I haven’t timed myself in a long time. The last time that I timed myself it was about 35 minutes. It was still extremely slow, but a little better.
    My father used to walk along right beside me, which meant a ton considering how slow I was walking! It was only when he thought I could walk by myself that he would jog ahead of me. I was very relieved when this happened because I absolutely love doing things for myself. It is upsetting to me how much I cannot do for myself. So the smallest bit of progress excites me! I recently was on a staff retreat which was a huge step for me, but I’ll tell you more about that in a future blog.  

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