Friday, September 30, 2016


Recently Emma Harrington, Injury Prevention Specialist, at Shepherd Center told me about a fantastic opportunity with Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB). They are airing a special on Distracted Driving and want to have me in for an interview.
 Now I don’t have any recollection of the accident or several months before. However, there are some signs that makes me think I was distracted driving. I had recently gotten a job with the school newspaper and had taken some interviews on a small recorder. I was rushing back to campus to write the article before it was due. Maybe I was planning what I wanted to write by listening to the recorder back on the car ride.
The reason, I think I was listening to it back is because somehow the record button was pressed and the whole accident was recorded. The sound of the crash was not heard, but all the people’s voices who came to help me were heard.
I want to be as accurate with GPB as I can, but I really don’t know what happened. Although, I did keep the recorder and I still have the recording. I guess I can play it in the background.
I was told it may take several weeks to get it done, but I will let you all know about the finished product!

1 comment:

  1. Distracted driving is really a very big problem. I have seen people turning completely around to spoon feed a child in a car seat in the back seat. It is not worth it! Molly, if you weren't the type of person to look at texts while driving, I wouldn't assume your accident was due to distracted driving. That tape recorder easily could have been switched to record by hitting something during the accident. Definitely, keep up the good work about the dangers of distracted driving though. It's badddddd.
