Thursday, January 26, 2017

parallel parking

       Ah the experience of returning to driving. So I went on Monday to practice  parallel parking and to do 3-point turns. Complexly expecting to take the test tomorrow. After parallel parking, I had to go back to Shepherd Center to make sure I had completed all of the forms. There was in fact one form that was missing. It was the medical form that the Department of Driving services had to have. So my doctor is out of town until the 30th of January. So she was not able to fill out that form.
       So hopefully next week or the week after I will be able to take my test. It is kind-of disappointing, but in the big scheme of things I have not drove in 9 years. What’s two weeks going to hurt?
       Now not having the use of one arm and one leg makes parallel parking and 3-point turns vary hard. Now I found that I can do it, but I have to follow direct instructions from the driving instructor. I am hoping I can remember exactly what he says`  

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