Wednesday, June 17, 2015


So I was feeling bored out of my mind one day  and I started to think, “What is there to  do?” I wasn’t employed at the time and I’m not the most mobile/coordinated person in the world so taking an afternoon jog was out of the question. Then it occurred to me, how about doing something a little less physically taxing and to focus more on challenging apps for my brain. So I searched on the internet to find apps that could benefit me.  There were several that improved my speech like Sound Meter and Xpiano. Then there was one reaction time app that made it easier to drive called Fastest Finger. Finally, I found one that intrigued me even more! It was created by a neuroscientist and composed of games / tools. Lumosity helps you exercise and train your brain. The scientists have taken scientific tests and come up with 40 games that are fun! These games help with memory, attention, speed, problem solving and flexibility. Now I will warn you when you first start training you will probably feel like you just started kindergarten.  In one game they have someone writing problems on a chalkboard. In another you are a server and you’re supposed to remember what type of food the customers ordered. However, the games have proven to be valuable and help people of all ages. It can help people that have sustained brain injury, like myself,  the elderly or someone who just wants some sprucing up.  Try playing 15 minutes a day 3-5 times a week for the biggest gain. I’d try it for several months. Don’t just do it one time;  that way you won’t see any progress. Go  ahead give it a try!


  1. I will have to try this! One's brain can always use a little sprucing up :-)

  2. it should be good to help you prevent Alzheimer!
