Thursday, December 10, 2015

Baclofen Pump

On December 30th I have to go into surgery and get my Baclofen Pump replaced with a new pump which is a hockey puck sized disk implanted in my stomach. It is replaced every 5 years . The pump releases this medicine called Baclofen which reduces spasticity. The surgery will not be as bad as the initial surgery because they do not have to replace the catheter leading to my spine, just the pump itself. However, I still have to go under which is always scary.  As it gets near to the time of replacement a single beep will go off. When it is close to stopping it gives off two beeps which are critical. If it does stop, you can have Baclofen withdraw which can result in either seizures or a coma. The Baclofen Pump has helped my walking tremendously. It has helped loosen muscles up and has made me able to walk. For that reason, I need to get a new one! I walked having the surgery about one day afterwards and there was minimal pain involved, but that was 5 years ago and my body has gotten that much older.

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